As part of the Rams community events to celebrate Latino Heritage Month, rookies Zach Evans, Nick Hampton, Tanner Ingle and Tre Tomlinson joined a PLAY 60 Field Day at Sunrise Elementary School in Boyle Heights. Over 360 students participated in a character educational session, highlighting the importance of Latino Heritage Month. The students then experienced various stations including dancing led by the Rams Cheerleaders, an obstacle course, and football-fundamental drills led by the Rams rookies in attendance.
"One of the main things that we hope is that this group of students at Sunrise realize there are organizations out there such as the Rams that are concerned about what happens in their life and they try to share some positivity, [and] try to give back to the community," said Sunrise Elementary principal Luis Barraza.
Rams safety Tanner Ingle immersed himself in the event. "I come out here and they turn me into a kid again. It's super fun to be involved with the youth, they bring out a different energy within all of us. We enjoy doing this, we come out here because we want to, and we enjoy the time with the kids."

Barraza added that the event "showcased [the] importance of being active and leading an active lifestyle." Rams Cheerleader Eswinn added that the goal of the event was to encourage all kids to be active every day and the Rams were excited to be in the community giving back during Latino Heritage Month.
Ingle felt a lasting connection being in the community. "Ever since I've been a part of football, giving back to the community has always been important for the sport. Coming out here to L.A., it's big for our team to establish ourselves within the community. [To be able to] give back, put a smile on these kids' faces, it means the word to us."
Explaining the impact of the event, Barraza said, "These kids and their families know that there are people outside of Boyle Heights that care about what happens to them, care about the type of lifestyle they lead, and are rooting for them to have a good life and be productive citizens."
When reflecting on the excitement and impact of the day, Barraza added, "The Rams have stepped up and put on a great event for our kids and community. [These] are memories that are being generated and created for kids that are going to last a lifetime."
PLAY 60 is an NFL initiative that aims to encourage youth to be active for at least 60 minutes every day. Through the Rams' year-long engagement of youth fitness initiatives with in-school, after-school and team-based programs, the club is committed to expanding this platform and improving health and wellness for local youth. Since 2016, the Rams have hosted over 80 PLAY 60 events and football clinics for more than 40,000 students throughout Southern California. For more information about the Rams' community outreach efforts, visit