Each week, we interview a different Rams player to find out about their lives on the field as well as off of it. Team Reporter, Sarina Morales, asks the questions fans want to know, in a fun and conversational interview. This week, linebacker, Travin Howard, spoke to Sarina about his new clothing line, what virtual meetings have been like and who he thinks is better than Michael Jordan.

1: Show your face
Sarina: How have the virtual team meetings gone? What do you like about them?
Travin: Meetings have been going well. Everyone is being professional, and we are getting good above-the-neck work. I like that you can see everyone's faces, plus we have some characters on the team.

2: Sharing is caring
Sarina: I saw you celebrated your birthday recently. Do anything special?
Travin: Yeah, my birthday was actually the same day as Mother's Day, so I had a small crawfish boil at my house the day before so mama could have her day.
3: Can't wait!
Sarina: What do you like about the new uniforms?
Travin: I really like how the uniforms turned out. They are a new, more up-to-date style, as opposed to a more traditional style. I can't wait to put them on!

4: Small city, big dreams
Sarina: What influences your style?
Travin: I would have to say where I'm from. A small city in Texas, Longview. It's the culture where we don't really care who you are or who we are going against, but whoever it is, best believe they're going to feel us. As for my swag, I just kind of piece things together here and there, taking what I see and like from other people and kind of mix it with a little bit of Longview, Texas.
5: Wanna Be Startin' Something
Sarina: I saw you started a clothing brand. What made you decide to do that?
Travin: My friends and I started out wearing the merch amongst ourselves. The idea originated in high school while we were playing sports. It was originally eight of us, so we coined it after the "Elite 8" in college basketball and made it our own.
Sarina: I like the name Every Little Inch Takes Effort. What is behind that?
Travin: We had to define what Elite meant to us. Something that didn't just pertain to sports but everyday life, which is where Every Little Inch Takes Effort came from, and the rest is history.
7. Second to none
Sarina: Texas football is…
Travin: Second to none, a known FACT.
8: King James
Sarina: I know you are a huge LeBron James fan, but what did you think of The Last Dance and watching MJ's best years?
Travin: Watching the documentary was much needed. Getting to actually see what the generation before me saw. Seeing the hard work, skill and his attitude, I can see why people crown him the GOAT! That being said, LeBron is still the GOAT. I don't care.

9: Light and sweet
Sarina: How do you take your coffee?
Travin: Cream and sugar. I don't see how people drink it any other way. I think they just become immune to the taste.

10: Teleportation FTW
Sarina: What is a superpower you would want to have?
Travin: Probably to teleport. The time it takes to travel and all you have to go through is not cool.