1. Good morning
Sarina: Morning or night person?
Kenny: A little bit more of a morning person. I love to start my mornings when it allows me to set my mood for the day. It allows me to set my energy for the day and allows me to attack what I need to attack. It's quiet. Everybody's sleeping. So, I have some time to write and to plan.
2. Dish it out
Sarina: Best thing to eat to start the day?
Kenny: A great breakfast for me is peanut butter on toast, wheat. Then cut bananas over the top. Have a side of maple brown sugar oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries. Add some honey on the top.
3. My dawg… dog
Sarina: I see your dog Rocco sitting next to you, what kind of dog is he?
Kenny: Cane Corso. 9 months old.

4. Seeing Green
Sarina: Most played song in your music library?
Kenny: Seeing Green with Nicki Minaj, Drake & Lil Wayne.
5. Family funds
Sarina: What was the last thing you splurged on?
Kenny: I bought clothes for the family.

6. Tackle Young
Sarina: I know you've been working on your foundation Tackle Young. Why start something like this and why is it important to you?
Kenny: I started the Tackle Young foundation because the simple fact that I'm from a community that helped raise me from different sorts of people outside of my family. That's helped guide me to where I'm at today. Whether it be working at my character, how I perform, how I treat people…that comes from Louisiana, so I want to give back. So, for me, "Tackle Young" stands for tackle youth early. Maybe they need some financial literacy lessons on savings. Maybe they need a football camp…whatever it may be, maybe it's books! I've donated over 400 books to kids in first to third grade in Watts. Man, I'm so glad I did that because somebody said, 70% of kids there just don't have the advantage of the reading comprehension that they need.
7. Plan ahead
Sarina: With all the financial literacy you've been doing with your foundation, what's the best way to save money?
Kenny: Best way to save money is if you want to save, save with a plan.
8. The last 42
Sarina: An interesting factoid about you, you are apparently the last player in any sport to wear 42 at UCLA. Your alma mater retired Jackie Robinson's number at the school. How does it make if you're the last person to wear 42 at UCLA?
Kenny: You have some unreal moments as an athlete in your life. Honestly, I didn't realize the magnitude of it, but now that I get to look back at it, man, I'm so glad that I made the sacrifices of not going out, not eating bad food, taking care of my body, getting rest, going to school, and being really locked. Jim Mora told me after my sophomore year 'Hey, I got some good news and some bad news for you', so bad news is about to retire 42. The good news is, I made sure you could wear it for the rest of your career.' I said it's so dope. I've tried my best to put that jersey in a better place than I found it. I have tremendous respect for Jackie for doing what he did for playing four sports and for being a scholar at UCLA.
9. Keep it casual
Sarina: You're one of the more fashionable guys on the team. When you walk into a clothing store., where do your eyes go first?
Kenny: The hoodies.

10. Happy Father's Day
Sarina: Anything you want to say this Father's Day? I know your father passed in 2018.
Kenny: Your spirit lives on forever. Even though my dad's life ended in the physical sense, I don't think he's ever died. I think that he was meant to pass the baton, at an early age to me, meaning me be responsible for the family and all of his worries and stuff that he had. I strongly feel like dad is somehow living through me right now. Honestly, [he would say] I like the way my son does it. Why? Because the energy. The drive of everything that I bring to sports, work whatever it is…that's my dad. My dad was an outstanding guy. He always enjoyed work. He always enjoyed people. Always enjoyed his own company. I think dad is very proud of me leading the charge of my family. He didn't do sports, but as far as taking care of family, I think I'm doing that. I don't know who would do that if he wasn't here, or if I wasn't here so, his spirit does live on.