Periodically over the remainder of the regular season, will feature 6 Questions with 6Connex with a different player.
The series concludes with cornerback Dont'e Deayon, who discusses his non-profit GoodEatz, where his outgoing personality comes from, and more.

1) I see you posting about GoodEatz all the time. For those who aren't familiar with it, what is it and why is it important to you?
"So GoodEatz is my nonprofit organization that I started with a couple of friends, family members, just really to attack the communities and help give back to not only my community, (but) their communities, with training, supply giveaways, if it's just helping them learn things, – just different ways of giving back to the youth and the community. That's what the main goal and the mission is for it. The Inland Empire is one (of the communities). We got some guys in Texas, got some guys in L.A., got some guys in different places – (Bengals cornerback) Eli Apple, he's in a different state – that we help. Just different things, different areas."
2) What inspired that name?
"So on the field, when we was playing ball, eating, that was just always my thing, like, 'We eating! We eating out here!' and I'm like, 'Yeah that's some GoodEatz. Oh, hold on, yeah, GoodEatz! GoodEatz!' And then we all kind of started saying it, it started echoing along and then we all started going with it."
3) What other passions or hobbies do you have that fans might not know?
"I do like to make my own merchandise, like shirts and hoodies. I'll actually go in there and make them – I'll embroider hats and stuff like that. Just learning that side of it, putting in that ground work, that labor into making merch and clothes, I like that. So I always try to come up with little different designs to give (my teammates) different little swag."
4) Where does your very outgoing personality come from?
"Like I always say, from my mom and being the youngest of four boys growing up. That's just how it was, just always trying to be out there, be with them, be involved, be in the mix, and you got to be tough. You gotta toughen up, you got to stand on your own ten."
5) What's it been like to play as much as you have this season, with the role you've had?
"It's been amazing. I've been loving every bit of it. (Laughs). Every bit of it, I've been loving it. And really just trying to maximize my opportunities, like you say. It's been a long journey, so when those opportunities come, I just always want to seize those and show up for my teammates, and earn that trust from the coaches and my teammates."
6) What's kept you motivated throughout all these years?
"Just the grind, the grit. The way I've been brought up by my moms. My moms, just really a little bit of everything to be honest. I try to just take all of that and hone it into my play and into my mindset and know that, 'Aye, it's going to get better tomorrow,' so when I wake up, I got a smile on my face. 'Aye, it's going to be better tomorrow, tomorrow's going to be better than the last day.' Just that mindset of the next day is going to be better than my last, and literally working on trying to improve each day, that's just been my grind."
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