Bobby Lee served in the United States Army from 1974 to 1991. Upon returning to Little Rock Arkansas, Bobby Lee would find himself without a support system following the death of his mother. Bobby Lee relocated to Los Angeles California where he would spend 14 years living on Skid Row and in the occasional shelter because of symptoms related to his untreated PTSD. During a short stay at the Salvation Army, Bobby Lee was introduced to gardening, a skill that would later prove to be his saving grace. Bobby Lee eventually found his way to U.S.VETS in Inglewood California where he enrolled in a transitional housing and treatment program. Upon completing the program, he transitioned into permanent housing on the site where he now has his own apartment. Bobby Lee has lived in his own apartment for 3 years and is the picture of mental and spiritual health. He now volunteers as the gardener and landscaper for the site and is teaching others about the coping strategy that helped to get him on the road to recovery. Bobby Lee co-facilitates a gardening group on the site and uses it as an opportunity to mentor veterans coming into the program. With the help of other veterans Bobby has transformed the grounds of U.S.VETS into a beautiful, tranquil space that can be enjoyed by staff, residents, and the community at-large. He organized and volunteers as leader of the site's newly formed Color Guard and he can be seen on any given day working with site administration to improve the quality of life for veterans in the program. We absolutely love him and we salute him!
VETERAN OF THE WEEK: Bobby Lee Marshall
Jun 04, 2018 at 01:11 PM