Rams Cheerleaders Roster | Los Angeles Rams - therams.com
What was your favorite academic subject growing up? My favorite academic subject growing up was math.
If you could make one change in the world, what would it be? If i can change one thing about the world it would be that everyone would be seen as equal no matter race, religion, color, sexuality, etc and all come together to make our future a better place for the generations to come.
Who is your biggest fan? My amazing mother.
Do pineapples belong on pizza? Pineapple does not belong on pizza.
What's next on your bucket list? To visit the home of my grandparents in Granjenal, Michocan Mexico.
Most adventurous thing you've ever done in your life? Skydiving with the Golden Knights.
Describe your dream vacation. My dream vacation is to go to Cathedral in Rome.
How did you get your start dancing? I started dancing at the age of 2 years olds and feel in love ever since.
Most embarrassing dance memory? During college nationals, in the beginning of our routine I feel on my head while doing our aerial and pretended like it never happened.
Your go-to karaoke song? Dancing queen by ABBA
What is your guilty pleasure? Watching The Office while eating my favorite food which is sushi.
How would your best friend describe you? My best friend would describe me as loyal, loving, caring, determined, and passionate.
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Favorite thing about Los Angeles? My favorite thing about Los Angeles is the melting pot of the many races and ethnicities.
Favorite charity or cause that you love to support? My favorite cause to support is CHOC hospital because while my brother was going through chemo, the nurses and doctors at CHOC were the best of the best.
Advice to your younger self? If i could give myself advise to myself is to embrace my culture and ethnicity and to be proud of being a Mexican American
What would it mean to you to be a Rams cheerleader? To be a Rams Cheerleader would be nothing but an honor to me because being apart of this organization this past year has been nothing but life changing. From being on a collegiate dance team and high school teams have should me that I thrive and love being in a team environment. This last year has truly been the best year of my whole life and I will forever be grateful for all the amazing memories and opportunities this organization has brought me and I only hope to grow and learn with this amazing organization.