Rams Cheerleaders Roster | Los Angeles Rams - therams.com

Michelle T.
What was your favorite academic subject growing up? Science
If you could make one change in the world, what would it be? Being able to advance in technology and innovation without damaging the environment
Who is your biggest fan? My sister
Favorite memory so far as a Rams Cheerleader? Team brunch at the Draft House!
Do pineapples belong on pizza? Yes
What's next on your bucket list? Visit Japan
What is your #1 gameday essential? Lots of water and electrolytes
Most adventurous thing you've ever done in your life? Ziplining through a jungle in Mexico
Describe your dream vacation. Anywhere with sun and good food!
How did you get your start dancing? I saw my older sister taking dance classes and she encouraged me to try them out
What is your pre-gameday hype song? Tia Tamera by Doja Cat
Most embarrassing dance memory? Accidentally kicking my friend in the face during a dance routine
Your go-to karaoke song? Super Bass by Nicki Minaj
What is your guilty pleasure? Warm chocolate chip cookies
How would your best friend describe you? Friendly, determined, strong
Coffee or tea? Both!
Favorite thing about Los Angeles? The diversity of people, cultures, food, sights, and communities
Favorite charity or cause that you love to support? Breast cancer research
Advice to your younger self? Nothing good comes easy. Hard work, diligence, and a good work ethic will get you far.
What would it mean to you to be a Rams cheerleader? Being a Rams cheerleader would be a dream come true. I would get to represent and give back to the Los Angeles community while sharing my passion for dance. In being a Rams cheerleader, I hope to inspire young dancers that achieving big goals is possible!
What are you looking forward to the most this season? I am excited for game days and making more memories with my teammates